Needed: An override-regions permission for the Sleep flag.
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 8 comments
WORLDGUARD-2610 - Reported by jasonrubik
I would like to be able to allow certain permission groups to bypass the Sleep flag that is in place for a region.
Specifically, I have the GLOBAL region set like this: Sleep=Deny
Currently there is no way for me to allow my moderators and Admins, (or other highly ranked players) the ability to sleep in beds. We are trying to be simple and "vanilla" as possible, except for the sleeping mechanic.
If implemented, it might look similar to the override for God mode flag, and thus would be: worldguard.sleep.override-regions.
Here is my discussion with sk89q about this:
Also, I am aware of the BYPASS permission node, which would solve my problem, but it has too wide of a scope, and would cause all regions to be griefable, therefore is completely inappropriate in my scenario.
- "worldguard.region.bypass. (gives users with this permission the ability to bypass region protection)"
Thanks for considering this new permission node, and I look forward to implementing it at some time in the future.
Comment by jasonrubik
I'm sorry. You are failing to realize that "invincible" is the same as "god mode".
Please do your research next time.
Your credibility is lacking, sir.
Comment by wizjany
Actually the flag is completely separate from the god mode thing, with the exception of the functionality that allows them to communicate and decide which takes priority. Also, as a developer of WorldGuard for over two years, I think I am qualified to say please do your research first, and I'll take care of myself. I am not here to have random people who think they know stuff tell me that my credibility is lacking.
Comment by jasonrubik
Perhaps... but, then if for no other reason than the fact that neither of my previous two questions were answered.
To clarify, I am actually genuinely interested in seeing this implemented or else become a possibility due to the flexibility it will offer me with my server config.
... and also since I was directed to this site to request this very issue via sk89q's recommendation, I find it rather unsettling that this is being handled with such disregard and what appears to be some level of unprofessionalism.
Thank you sir, and have a nice day,
Comment by wizjany
and I've already explained (in my first response) that this won't be implemented as such, and that it's on the chopping block for the next major release
Comment by jasonrubik
thank you for clarifying that. Your first response seemed rather ambiguous, therefore I was not able to clearly see where you were going with that statement.
Also, please accept my apologies if I seemed rather disgruntled. That was never my intention. Perhaps real life frustration was getting the better of me here.
I have used WorldGuard for almost 2 years now, and I regard it as the most important plugin in existence.
I look forward to many more updates and features going forward !
Keep up the amazing work !
Comment by wizjany
not sure why we would do per-flag overrides, that kind of defeats the purpose
also since the system is changing in the next major WG version this won't even be necessary
Comment by jasonrubik
wizjany, you would do per-flag overrides because there already are some... For example, the God flag can be handled with existing node: worldguard.god.override-regions
You refer to the system changing with the next version, but what is it that will not even be necessary ?
Will all flags and all associated permissions be fully customizable "out of the box" ?
Thank you,