Use region standing in for commands
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WORLDGUARD-2703 - Reported by Gus.Callaway
Is there any way that WorldGuard could detect what region you are standing in and use that for your commands? For example, instead of typing /region addmember spawn joebob103, you could just type /region addmember joebob103 while standing inside the spawn region. Now this would be a simple fix if was at the end of the command, but since it is in the middle there is the problem of the plugin interpreting "joebob103" as a region instead of a player. Perhapse it can detect if you leave off the last parameter? If you leave off the parameter it checks if you are standing in a region, and adds the 3rd parameter to the region.
Now this may sound complicated and unnecessary, but this feature would both be usefull for admins and users. For regular players it means (paired with a command shortener) just standing in their homes and typing /add . Much more simply than /region addmember . For admins it just means a faster experience. Instead of having to go into a region and type /region info, then /region addowner . They can go in and just type /region addowner . I think the one thing WorldGuard lacks is a simple UI, and this is one way to move in that direction.