


Entry/Exit message is reversed for game-mode region

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDGUARD-2711 - Reported by xeoff

Upon entering a Creative region the message: "Your game mode is locked to SURVIVALin this region!" displays; when leaving, the message: "Your game mode is locked to CREATIVEin this region! displays.

This is reverse of what should occur (note also the missing ; i.e. CREATIVEin s/b CREATIVE in)


Comment by wizjany

The only message I get is "Your gamemode has been updated" which is vanilla.


Comment by xeoff

The problem appears to be due to parent-regions set to gm=survival; I removed all mods but WE and WG and still get this. The parent needs to be larger than the sub-region, and it looks like the message is due to the parent, but still is opposite of what it should be.


Comment by wizjany

Fixed sort of. It's due to the gamemode being changed while inside a playermove event. I decided just to remove the message (it was also just spammy with the additional vanilla message). Also things that change gamemode (for example vanilla's /gamemode) are able to detect if it failed.


Comment by xeoff

Thanks; that should work just fine. I appreciate you attention to this; definitely worth a donation!