Error migrating database
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments
WORLDGUARD-2716 - Reported by NemesisMate
I try "/region migratedb mysql yaml" but I get Error migrating database: /opt/msm/servers/Creeperborn/plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/world_the_end/regions.yml
With this I have two questions:
- Is WorldGuard remaking regions.yml in worlds where it find this file or it is adding the regions on mysql database so it "merge" regions in both databases (yaml and mysql)?
- How I make for that worlds that haven't got the file "regions.yml"?, I create them with a simple touch ($ touch regions.yml)?
Comment by wizjany
no? worldguard just keeps track of whatever worlds are loaded in game...
Comment by wizjany
full error? that seems to suggest that worldguard was unable to create or open the regions.yml file.
Comment by NemesisMate
That is the full in-game error, no log error. The error is that I haven't got this folder there because I changed that world name after having worldguard on MySQL.
Comment by wizjany
that would explain'll probably have to make it manually and then transfer the file after migrating