


on-aquire= blacklist option does not block acquiring an item via a storage device.

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDGUARD-2752 - Reported by maddmann012001

on-acquire=deny will only block items from being obtained via picking up. These items are still obtainable via chests, furnaces, hoppers, and what not.


Comment by Errored

WorldGuard 5.8
CB Beta 1.6.2

I have a blacklist to deny guests from doing anything with gold, diamond, and emerald blocks or items (all things set to deny). It all works fine until the guest pulls the item from the chest. The guest can pickup everything i blacklisted form a chest and this is how players on my server are bypassing the blacklist.


Comment by muesed

It should be noted that the title to this report misspelled "on-acquire" though it is correct in the description.

NOTIFY and LOG actions do not work for on-acquire event.
The DENY action works at least for items on the ground.

WorldEdit 5.6.2
WorldGuard 5.9
CB 2.4:1692-75bb1c8


Comment by sk89q

Please try the latest dev build:

The blacklist code was written and this issue may (or may not) be fixed.


Comment by muesed

Thank you for the link. Running WorldGuard 5.9.1-SNAPSHOT.1332 and still have the same symptoms.

Seems to be isolated to the on-acquire event. I'm not having any issues using on-drop, on-place, on-break, etc. with the same items.