/login not allowed in this area
LadyCailinBot opened this issue · 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-2760 - Reported by Daniel.González
I'm not denying any commands and my users can not use any commands. Why is happening on my server?
Comment by wizjany
no, blocked-cmds and allowed-cmds don't override eachother
to do what you want to do, flag global blocked-cmds warp
then flag city_prisma blocked-cmds some_nonexistant_command
then "some_nonexistant_command" will override "warp" and people will be able to use warp in the city again
Comment by wizjany
you either have a blocked or allowed -cmds flag set somewhere, or it's not worldguard
Comment by Daniel.González
The problem was a city region called "city_prisma", it have the region flag allowed-cmds warp. I want to block the comand warp outside my city like this:
region flag global city_prisma block-cmds warp
region flag city_prisma allowed-cmds warp
As I can do it? Sorry for my bad english.