entry deny
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments
WORLDGUARD-2786 - Reported by skippyaut
Hi, the entry deny flag is broken/useless
When a player enter an Area with entry deny flag he receive the Message "You are not permitted to enter this area" but
the player can still move inside the area!!
Comment by skippyaut
Problem is solved, can be closed.
But there is an small bug. I will try to explain..
Create an area: /rg d rgname
Set flag: /rg flag rgname entry deny
add group: /rg addmember rgname g:vip
When a user with group vip is inside the area and I change his group to builder he can still move inside an teleport outside and back inside.
This error ends only when the user walks outside the area, then he can not enter the region again.
I hope it was understandable
Comment by sk89q
So the issue is that, if he could enter before, but then something changes where he can no longer enter, WG doesn't check again until he leaves?
Comment by skippyaut
Some more Information an Steps to reproduce my issue:
Create an area: /rg d rgname
Set flag: /rg flag rgname entry deny
add group: /rg addmember rgname g:vip
Now only members of the group Vip should be able to enter the area. So it was before 5.7.5 and worked fine for me.
But now everybody can enter the region an walk around.