World Creation casues WG cpu "spike"
LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments
WORLDGUARD-2930 - Reported by Stefan.Gramatikov
I use NoLagg's examine feature to monitor my plugins, and notice that sometimes, when the main thread gets busy generating new chunks, so does the WG's class com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardBlockListener, BlockFromToEvent[NORMAL]. It doesnt "suffocate" the server, but I see the extra lines of cpu usage, and was wandering, what causes them, since all other WG activity is almost invisible? I have various regions, including regional and global entry, exit, build flags on 3 different worlds, could something specific be it?
Comment by wizjany
it's water (and partially lava) being generated and flowing down initially. unsure if we can do anything about that.
Comment by Stefan.Gramatikov
I see. It is not such a big deal, I was just curious if it was something from my flags, because I disabled the entry for one global region and was afraid that this clogged it... But since everything is as it should, I'm fine with that.
Comment by sk89q
Pretty sure this is due to the sponges in WG. It requires checking 5x5 area of blocks, and checking blocks in MC is surprisingly slow.
As sponges are being adding in MC and we're disabling classic sponge support by default, I think this issue is "fixed," or as fixable as it can be.