


FLAG - Creeper-explosion -> Deny BUG Found

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


WORLDGUARD-3054 - Reported by asmit119

Items not placed, but floating for pickup, CAN still currently be destroyed by a creeper explosion inside of protected region.


Comment by PseudoKnight

I confirmed that this happens even with explosion-flags-block-entity-damage: true

WG is properly canceling the event so I wonder if it's just a craftbukkit bug or some quirk in how explosions are handled.


Comment by asmit119

Indeed, I am running most up to date Spigot snapshot with this issue. Its certainly a bug. A member of mine lost an item to it on a protected plot today during its discovery.


Comment by PseudoKnight

Oh, right, to cancel damage you have to do that in EntityDamageByEntityEvent. (canceling just the explosion event doesn't do that, for some reason) The code in there only handles players and item frames. Support for any or all entity types could be added there.