This is a spigot MC plugin with many useful commands.
Download on CurseForge: WorldMaster
Download on Modrinth: WorldMaster
- Unzip the zip file from the release
- Go in the unziped folder
- Copy the .jar file into your plugins directory of your server
- Start the server. If the server was already started, type "/reload" in the server console.
- Have fun!
Quotes are required for the text!
welcome: 'Text'
If a player joins, the text "Welcome to 'Text'" will be shown.
disable_welcome: true or false
If set to true, the player who join won't see a welcome text.
disable_player_prefix: true or false
If set to true, players won't have prefixes.
disable_custom_chat: true or false
If set to true, the chat is the normal minecraft server chat.
disable_player_counter: true or false
If changed, a server restart is required!
If set to true, the player counter won't be visible.
disable_portals: true or false
If set to true, all portals will be disabled.
Don't use quotes in the arguments that are in quotes!
/world add "Name" ["Dimension"] ["World Type"]: Adds the world with the name "Name" in the dimension "Dimension" with the world type "World Type". May produce lag!
/world remove "Name": Removes the world with the name "Name".
/world renew "Name": Recreates the world with the name "Name" with the same seed, dimension and world type. May produce lag!
/world set_join_gamemode "Name" "Gamemode": Sets the join gamemode of the world with the name "Name" to "Gamemode".
/world set_permission "Name" enter "Permission": Sets the enter permission of the world with the name "Name" to "Permission". If "Permission" is "no_permission", the enter permission will be set to non permission.
/world set_permission "Name" build "Permission": Sets the build permission of the world with the name "Name" to "Permission". If "Permission" is "no_permission", the build permission will be set to non permission.
/world set_allowed_gamemodes "Name" "Gamemodes...": Sets the allowed gamemodes of the world with the name "Name". If "Gamemodes..." is "all_gamemodes", all gamemodes will be allowed.
/world set_time "Name" "Time": Sets the time of the world with the name "Name". "Time" can be a number or a preset string.
/world set_difficulty "Name" "Difficulty": Sets the difficulty of the world with the name "Name".
/world list: Shows all available worlds.
/world tp "Name": Teleports the player who enterd the command to the world spawn point of the world with the name "Name".
/permission allow "Player" "Permission": Sets the permission "Permission" of the player "Player" to true. "Permission" can be custom [not shown in tab list].
/permission disallow "Player" "Permission": Sets the permission "Permission" of the player "Player" to flase. "Permission" can be custom [not shown in tab list].
/permission default "Player" "Permission": Sets the permission "Permission" of the player "Player" to the default value. "Permission" can be custom [not shown in tab list].
/elevator make: Gives the player who executed the command a selector. With this you can select blocks that should be part of the elevator.
/elevator create "Name" "FloorHeight": Creates a elevator from the selected blocks with the name "Name". "FloorHeight" should be set to the acutal height of the elevator.
/elevator remove "Name": Removes the elevator with the name "Name".
/elevator add_floor "Name" "FloorName" "DoorPos" ["Permission"]: Add the floor with the name "FloorName" to the elevator with the name "Name". "Permission" is optional and sets the permission for going on the floor. "Permission" can be custom [not shown in tab list].
/elevator remove_floor "Name" "FloorName": Removes the floor with the name "FloorName" from the elevator with the name "Name".
/elevator set_speed "Name" "speed": Sets the speed [in Blocks/s] of the elevator with the name "Name".
/elevator move "FloorName": Moves the nearest elevator to the command executer [max 5 blocks away] to the floor "FloorName" if the command executer has the permission for the floor.
/teleporter create "Name" "Icon": Creates a teleporter menu with the name "Name" and the icon "Icon".
/teleporter delete "Name": Removes the teleporter menu with the name "Name".
/teleporter give "Name": Gives the player who executed the command the teleporter menu with the name "Name".
/teleporter add "Name" "PositionName" "Slot": Adds the position with the name "PositionName" to the slot "Slot" of the teleporter menu with the name "Name".
/teleporter remove "Name" "Slot": Removes the position in the slot "Slot" of the teleporter menu with the name "Name".
/teleporter add_position "PositionName" "Icon" "WorldName" "Coords": Creates the position with the name "PositionName" and the icon "Icon". If someone clicks on the position in a teleporter menu, he will teleported to the coordinates "Coords" in the world with the name "World".
/teleporter edit_position "PositionName" "Icon" "WorldName" "Coords": Changes the icon position and world of the position with the name "PositionName".
/teleporter remove_position "PositionName": Removes the position and all ocurents of the position with the name "PositionName".
Chunk loader:
/chunk_loader: Gives the player who executed the command a chunk loader block. If the player sets the block in a chunk it get force loaded, if he breaks the block it is no longer force loaded.
/inventory list: Lists all available inventory systems.
/inventory show "Name" "Player": Shows the saved inventory of the inventory sytem "Name" of the Player "Player".
/inventory add "Name": Adds the inventory system with the name "Name".
/inventory remove "Name": Removes the inventory system with the name "Name".
/inventory list_world "Name": Lists all worlds where the inventory system with the name "Name" is used.
/inventory add_world "Name" "World": Adds the world with the name "World" to the inventory system with the name "Name".
/inventory remove_world "Name" "World": Removes the world with the name "World" form the inventory system with the name "Name".
/inventory set_default_spawn_point "Name" "World" "coords": Sets the default spawn point for the inventory system with the name "Name". If "coords" is "no_spawn_point", the default spawn point of the server will be used.
Reload Config:
/reload_config: Reloads the config files of the plugin.
world: Enables the use of /world "add", "remove", "renew" and "set_..."
permission: Enables the whole command /permission
elevator: Enables the use of /elevator "make", "create", "remove", "add_floor", "remove_floor" and "set_speed"
teleporter: Enables the use of /teleporter "create", "delete", "add", "remove", "add_position", "edit_position" and "remove_position"
chunk_loader: Enables the whole command /chunk_loader
reload_config: Enables the whole command /reload_config
inventory: Enables the whole command /inventory
build_spawn: Enables the building in the spawn world
shop_owner: Enables the creation of shops
command_block: If the permission isn't set, the player can't use command blocks
- Place normal single chest
- Put the buy items in the first row [First 4 slots]
- Put the sell items in the last row [First 4 slots]
- Place a sign on the chest with the text [In 1st row]: [Shop]
- Put more items for selling in the chest
- [Optional] Take all items for buying out of the chest
The shop owner sees all items in the chest and the buyer sees the shop page