

Introduction : what is this plugin about ?

I'm french, so please do not expect a perfect English.

Hello world ! Today i present my brand new plugin.

I was looking for a plugin to restore maps in order not to have to re-upload and restart special maps like Towers or Platform Power on my server. I never found anything like that, so i decided to make my own very simple plugin to do that.

How to use this plugin

Getting started

Install it like any plugin, then run your server. In plugins/SimpleZIPMapRestorer folder, you will see a folder called "backups". In this folder, you have to put your map's zip (note : in the zip there must be THE folder of the map, not just the files that are in there).

The commands

Now you have to use those commands :

  • worldrestorer (or restoreworld or rw or wr) <mapname> [timetowaitinseconds] : main command. It will teleport all the players in the world to the main world, unload the world, delete the world folder and then extract the world folder from the zip. You can specify a time to wait in seconds before restoring the world, which is really useful when you use command blocks.
  • worldloader (or loadworld or lw or wl) <mapname> : because you may not want to use a multi-world management like Multiverse, you can load worlds with this command. Note : if the world isn't found, it will try to extract the world from a backup file.
  • worldtp (or wtp or tpw) <worldname> : will teleport you to the world's spawn you specified.

Note that you can use spaces in the world's name, but it can't finish by a combo : space + number.

Another note : you can put "this" as the world name (players and command block only) so that it will reload the world you/he/she/it is in.

When do I need to use this plugin ?

You may need this plugin when you want to automatize your server FUN maps management. Actually, you can use this with a command block ! So if you put a command block at the end of the map's redstone, you can make it reload with this plugin. Be sure you have activated command blocks first. :p

Advanced use

Command list

Here is the full command list :

  • worldrestorer:
    • aliases: [restoreworld, rw, wr]
    • usage: /<command> <worldname> [timetowaitinseconds]
    • description: Ask for a restore of a world from a backup zip file.
    • permission: worldrestorer.restore
  • worldloader:
    • aliases: [loadworld, lw, wl]
    • usage: /<command> <worldname>
    • description: Loads a world, if possible from the backup zip file.
    • permission: worldrestorer.load
  • worldunloader:
    • aliases: [unloadworld, ulw, wul]
    • usage: /<command> <true/false> <worldname>
    • description: Unload a world, saving it or not.
    • permission: worldrestorer.unload
  • worlddeleter:
    • aliases: [deleteworld, dw, wd]
    • usage: /<command> <worldname>
    • description: Delete a world.
    • permission: worldrestorer.delete
  • worldzipper:
    • aliases: [zipworld, zipw, wzip]
    • usage: /<command> <worldname>
    • description: Create zip of a world.
    • permission: worldrestorer.worldzip
  • worldtp:
    • aliases: [wtp, tpw]
    • usage: /<command> <worldname>
    • description: Tp to a world.
    • permission:

World name

You can use " " (spacebar) in your world name. But because of the possibility to add a delay to the restoration, when the plugin parses the sent command and it sees it ends with a space then a number, it will think of it as an asked delay (only for the restore command though). So please DO NOT USE A WORLD NAME THAT IS LIKE : [string] + " " + [number].

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