

If you are using the 3.4 beta build for 1.5.1 the plugin will say that there is a new version available - This is because you are currently not using the recommended version of WorldWarp.
WorldWarp is a basic, Yet effective way of managing your worlds. The plugin lets you Create, Import, Delete, List & Warp to different worlds just by typing some easy commands. WorldWarp features a powerful world creating system which lets you choose between Normal, Nether & The End - And lets you specify the seed you want to use.


CommandPermissionDefaults toDescription
/wwarp [Name]WorldWarp.wwarpAllWarps to desired world.
/wbackWorldWarp.wbackAllReturns to previous world.
/wlistWorldWarp.wlistAllLists active worlds.
/wcreate [Name] [Environment] <seed> -flagsWorldWarp.wcreateOPCreates world.
/wimport [Name]WorldWarp.wimportOPImports currently non-active worlds.
/wdelete [Name] -flags WorldWarp.wdeleteOPDeletes desired world, adding -h deletes world folder.
/wflag [Name] -flags WorldWarp.wflagOPFlags world, see below.

Command Flags

FlagEffectWorks with
-pvpSets world to PVP Enabled/wflag /wcreate
-nopvpSets world to PVP Disabled/wflag /wcreate
-peacefulSets world to peaceful/wflag /wcreate
-easySets world to easy/wflag /wcreate
-normalSets world to normal/wflag /wcreate
-hardSets world to hard/wflag /wcreate
-hDelets world folder/wdelete


Permissionssettings.permissions.useTRUEEnables/Disables permissions.


NormalNormal worldNORMAL
NetherThe NetherNETHER
The EndThe endTHE_END
Flatlands16 Block high FlatlandsFLATLANDS
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