Wormhole X-Treme v1.x
Multi-World capable Stargates for bukkit powered servers
Wormhole X-Treme is a multi-world capable Stargate plugin. Auto-Build your Stargates easily with the integrated wxbuild feature and enjoy the taste of real Stargates as you may know them from the Stargate[tm] TV-Series.
News and Updates
Please checkout News and upcoming changes for news and update notices.
- Player teleportation through Wormhole X-Treme Wormholes!
- Multi-world support (native world loading support and more advanced through Wormhole X-Treme Worlds)
- PermissionsEx integration. (As well as some basic built-in permissions)
- Custom 3d & 2d gate shapes
- Iris password protection (currently only for dial gates)
- Minecart teleportation
- Help plugin support
YouTube - Video
The Wiki is located on github.
Please visit the Github Project-Page and click on Wiki
The history of this plugin and some background information can be found on the BukkitDev history page.
If you need support in creating a gate or need help regarding the plugin please use the Issue Link in the navigation bar or contact me via private message.