XCon v0.5a


XCon v0.5a

XCon is an Economy Plugin designed to do it all!

Ever get tired of having to install several plugins to get the economy you want? Me too, and that's why I have started development on one that includes everything I can think of, or want in a Minecraft Economy Plugin. All the features will be fully configurable and toggle enabled so you can tweak, adjust, turn them off and on to fit your needs. Also I am always looking for new ideas on other ways to expand this, so please comment and let me know what you think!

XCon is currently in Alpha testing, and I do not plan to release a Beta version until I have finished most of its functionality.

BOSEconomy and PermissionsBukkit is required for this plugin to work correctly. Towny is needed for Towny options.

Implemented Features

  • Fluctuating gold and diamond based economy. The price of gold and diamonds (when purchased or sold to/from the server) fluctuates and goes up and depending on how much is sold and purchased. This feature adds a dynamic to the economy and makes it a little more realistic. I really like the idea of players being able to buy gold when it is at a low price, and then resell when the market goes up for a profit! You can also add or remove different items to the market and economy.
  • Player looses % of held money on death, but money in the bank is safe. Because I think death shouldn't be free!
  • Full featured money drops from killing critters and players. Can be configured to take into account weapon used, whether the player is wearing armor, creature type, day time/vs/night time payouts, and a range of rewards based on the difficulty rating. (Difficulty rating is calculated by configuring weapon and armor settings). You can also set drop amounts based on the current market economy. (Get more or less money reward depending if the market is up or down)
  • Full banking support. Players, Towns(Towny), and Shared Accounts.
  • Bank Accounts acquire interest (interest rate can be fixed, fluctuate based on the gold/diamond market(s), and can vary by in game rank(permission groups))

Planned Features/TODO

  • Add Factions support for Bank Accounts.
  • Credit Rating. I liked the idea of the banks being able to "loan" money to a player, so I came up with the concept of a credit rating. The higher your credit rating, the more money the bank will lend you. Build credit by taking loans and repaying them on time. If you don't pay, your credit rating goes down, and eventually the bank will start taking all the money you earn until your debt (and fees!) are cleared.
  • Full Shop support(with optional taxes). I really like sign and chest based player owned shops, so I am going to fully support and implement them in this plugin as well. There will also be a taxes option, whereas the buyer will have to pay taxes to the server, or the shop owner will have to pay taxes. Eventually, I will add support for Towny and Factions as well so the tax money can go into Town accounts etc, and support for Town run shops where all the money goes into the towns account.



  • Interest rates implemented with options for fluctuating market, permission groups, and fixed.

More Permissions

  • xcon.ee.interest
  • xcon.ee.interest.group
  • xcon.market.set
  • xcon.x


  • Added support for PermissionsBukkit (Yay!)
  • xcon.info
  • xcon.market
  • xcon.ee.modify
  • xcon.enable
  • xcon.disable


  • Fleshed out Monster drops and implemented Difficulty Rating and user defined values.
  • Added Player Death penalty.


  • On/Off Toggles for Banks, and Monster drops.


  • Added Monster money drops.


  • Added Towny support for town owners to banks.


  • Added bank accounts for players and shared accounts.


  • You can now add or remove items to the market and set values for them.


  • Markets can now be toggled on and off.


  • Added configurable caps for high and low markets.


  • Gold and Diamond Fluctuating Market established.


  • Started work on project and added framework for the market, going to complete this first since everything else can/or will be based off it.