If you're a server developer, you know that documenting all your information and explaining it to players is a tedious process. It takes signs at spawns, /rule configurations, and directing players to the /help pages of plugins that may or may not have them.
Information is the solution to those problems. Instead of walls and walls of signs, use the command /inf see [name] to see the text outlined in the config. The [name] parameter is the name of the list in the config, exactly how it appears written. There is also a reload command(/inf reload) allowing you to make changes as needed with ease. To see the information, the player must have the permission "information.[list's name]".
Here is the default example config. If you put this list in...
Default: - Here is an example list - You can use &1c&2o&3l&4o&5r&6s&r in your information! - You can make your own lists like this in the configuration - just follow the same format as this list - To acess this information, do /inf see [the name of the list] - for example, command to acess this list is /inf see Default
This will be your output if you do the command /inf see Default
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any requests for features or bug reports, message me @xlr20ice on BukkitDev. Enjoy!