XP Item
XP Item will allow players to store their XP Levels or XP Experience into any item selected in the config. The players will be able to Left click to Deposit XP Levels or XP Experience and Right click to Withdraw XP Levels or XP Experience. As shown in the image above the amount of xp is saved in the item name and the items lore so that renaming the item will not give extra XP Levels or XP Experience. The item is also prevented from duping by ensuring that only one XP Item gets the XP Levels or XP Experience. The config has settings to log all transactions in the XP Items, change the colors, change the messages shown to players, and set a max amount of XP that can go into the XP Item.
This is also a great way to use disabled items for something useful. I have seen EnderPearls used before as the XP Item to put use to an item that was disabled.
Shops could also sell Bedrock and use it as the XP Item so bedrock could be used for something.
Latest Download (v1.1)
Download here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/xpitem/files/11-xpitem-v1-1/
- Fixed duping problem when using Experience
- Updated Update Checker
- Modified Config to store Item names
- Fixed error preventing players from using enderpearls.
The plugin will allow any item in game to be used to store XP Levels or Experience.
Currently you can:
- Change the Item
- Change from Experience or XP Levels
- Change amount deposit/withdrawn while standing or sneaking
- Change the max amount per XP Item
- Change Colors
- Change all the messages
- Charge to Withdraw or Deposit Experience or XP Levels
- Ability to disabled or enabled Vault Support
- Log transactions to bukkit log.
Drag and drop Installation. Afterword do a restart or reload.
Then edit the config file made to your liking. Use [/xpitem reload] to reload the config.
Config v1
BackEnd: DONOTTOUCHConfigVersion: 2 allowMetrics: true #Recommended so I can see the most common ways this plugin is used UpdateChecking: true #Only checks on restart and /xpitem reload sendInteractionsToLog: false Settings: itemName: EXP_BOTTLE #This is the item used to store the XP useLevels: false #Set to true if you wish to store XP Levels instead of Experience normalDepositAmount: 10 shiftDepositAmount: 30 maxAmount: -1 showEnchantWhenAmountOver0: true Colors: itemNameAmount: '&6' itemName: '&5' Messages: deposit: '&aYou have deposited {amount} {xptype}.' withdraw: '&3You have withdrawn {amount} {xptype}.' notEnough: '&cYou or the item does not have {amount} {xptype}.' max: '&cMax amount of {xptype} in this XP Item.'
- /xpitem reload
- XPItem reload command. Requires xpitem.reload perm.
- * xpitem.reload
- Gives use to reload config.
- xpitem.deposit
- Allows a player to deposit levels
- xpitem.withdraw
- Allows a player to withdraw levels
- xpitem.bypasscost
- Allows a player to bypass a price to withdraw or deposit
Quote:This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
- If the server is using XP or Experience
- The Item name of the XP Item
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
- Add ability to make players pay to withdraw or deposit money
Vault: enabled: false withdrawCost: 0 depositCost: 0
- Add more features from requests.
Bugs or need help
- Post a comment or a ticket for bug or error help.
- If I have not replied quickly you can find me on skype: EnkyHD