



xTeam Plugin

Brief Description

xTeam is a team-based PvP plugin that allows for creating and joining teams, setting a headquarters and various other features. It is meant for use on hardcore PvP servers where land is not protected.

This is a mod I've been working on for some time. Initially I figured a mod like this would be made eventually and I would just switch to using the alternative instead of mine but surprisingly I haven't quite found an equivalent. Factions is nice but if you want more of a 'hardcore' team plugin, then this mod is for you.



Version 1.8.1 of the plugin contains an Anonymous Error Reporting feature for sending errors directly to me when they are thrown.

This feature does not reveal any private information. In fact the only one thing that could possibly identify the client is encrypted even from me. The benefit of this feature is that I can see which errors are happening the most and fix them more quickly. Having said that, there is an option in the configuration file to disable this feature by setting 'anonymouserrorreporting = false' if you feel so inclined. Just know that if this is disabled, I will not be able to see what errors are happening frequently from your server.


Command Aliases: '/team', '/xteam', '/xt'

Command Parameters: {optional} [required] pick/one


  • create and join teams
  • get info for any team
  • change the team tag
  • set a headquarters
  • rally team to a location
  • teleport to teammates and headquarters
  • teleport to return location that is saved upon using any of the other teleport functions
  • teleport to rally location set by team leader
  • promote and demote players to use team admin commands
  • team chat function to toggle between team chat and regular chat
  • disable friendly fire
  • wolves can be team members too!
  • default teams for automatic joining on login

Team User Commands

  • /team - main help menu for xTeam
  • /team {help} {Page} - user help page for xTeam
  • /team info {Team/Player} - get team info or other team's info
  • /team list - list all teams on the server
  • /team create [Name] - create a team
  • /team join [Team] - join a team
  • /team leave - leave your team
  • /team accept - accept the most recent team invite
  • /team hq - teleport to the team headquarters
  • /team tele {Player} - teleport to nearest or specific teammate
  • /team return - teleport to saved return location (1 use)
  • /team rally - teleport to team rally location
  • /team chat {On/Off} - toggle chatting with teammates
  • /team message [Message] - send message to teammates

Team Admin Commands

  • /team sethq - set headquarters of team
  • /team invite [Player] - invite player to your team
  • /team promote [Player] - promote player to team admin

Team Leader Commands

  • /team demote [Player] - demote team admin
  • /team disband - disband the team
  • /team open - open team to public joining
  • /team remove [Player] - remove player from your team
  • /team rename [Name] - rename the team
  • /team tag [Tag] - set the team tag
  • /team setleader [Player] - set new leader for the team
  • /team setrally - set rally point for the team

Server Admin Commands

  • /team chatspy - spy on team chat
  • /team debug {Option} - server admin debug menu for xTeam
  • /team disband [Team] - disband a team
  • /team demote [Team] [Player] - demote team admin
  • /team hq [Team] - teleport to team headquarters for team
  • /team promote [Team] [Player] - promote player to admin
  • /team remove [Player] [Team] - remove player from team
  • /team rename [Team] [Name] - rename a team
  • /team tag [Team] [Tag] - set team tag
  • /team open [Team] - open team to public joining
  • /team set [Player] [Team] - set team of player
  • /team sethq [Team] - set team headquarters for team
  • /team setleader [Team] [Player] - set leader of team
  • /team setrally [Team] - set team rally point for team
  • /team teleallhq - teleports everyone to their headquarters
  • /team tpall [Team] - teleports a team to yourself

Console Commands

  • team {help} - console help menu for xTeam
  • team debug {Option} - console debug menu for xTeam
  • team demote [Team] [Player] - demote team admin
  • team disband [Team] - disband a team
  • team info [Player/Team] - get info on player/team
  • team list - list all teams on the server
  • team promote [Team] [Player] - promote player to admin
  • team remove [Player] [Team] - remove player from team
  • team rename [Team] [Name] - rename a team
  • team tag [Team] [Tag] - set team tag
  • team open [Team] - open team to public joining
  • team set [Player] [Team] - set team of player
  • team sethq [Team] [World] [X] [Y] [Z] - set headquarters of team
  • team setleader [Team] [Player] - set leader of team
  • team setrally [Team] [World] [X] [Y] [Z] - set rally point of team
  • team teleallhq - teleports everyone to their headquarters

Permission Support

  • Supports bukkit SuperPerms (PermissionsEx, PermissionsBukkit, and bPermissions, etc.)

Permissions Nodes

  • xteam.core.user.accept - Allows team users to accept an invitation
  • xteam.core.user.chat - Allows team users to chat/msg their team
  • xteam.core.user.create - Allows team users to create a team
  • xteam.core.user.headquarters - Allows team users to teleport to headquarters
  • xteam.core.user.info - Allows team users view team info
  • xteam.core.user.join - Allows team users to join a team
  • xteam.core.user.leave - Allows team users to leave a team
  • xteam.core.user.list - Allows team users to list all team names
  • xteam.core.user.return - Allows team users to return to saved location
  • xteam.core.user.rally - Allows team users to rally to a location
  • xteam.core.user.tele - Allows team users to teleport to teammates
  • xteam.core.user.* - All team user core commands
  • xteam.core.admin.invite - Allows team admins to invite other players
  • xteam.core.admin.promote - Allows team admins to promote teammates
  • xteam.core.admin.sethq - Allows team admins to set a headquarters
  • xteam.core.admin.* - All team admin core commands
  • xteam.core.leader.demote - Allows team leaders to demote teammates
  • xteam.core.leader.disband - Allows team leaders to disband a team
  • xteam.core.leader.open - Allows team leaders to open team to public
  • xteam.core.leader.remove - Allows team leaders to remove players
  • xteam.core.leader.rename - Allows team leaders to rename team
  • xteam.core.leader.setleader - Allows team leaders to set leader of team
  • xteam.core.leader.setrally - Allows team leaders to set rally point for the team
  • xteam.core.leader.tag - Allows team leaders to set team tag
  • xteam.core.leader.* - All team leader core commands
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.chatspy - Allows server admins to spy on team chat
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.debug - Allows server admins to debug the plugin
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.disband - Allows server admins to disband a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.demote - Allows server admins to demote a player on a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.hq - Allows server admins to teleport to any headquarters
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.promote - Allows server admins to promote a player on a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.reload - Allows server admins to reload the configuration file
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.remove - Allows server admins to remove player from a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.rename - Allows server admins to rename a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.tag - Allows server admins to set team tag
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.open - Allows server admins to open a team to the public
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.set - Allows server admins to set the team of a player
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.sethq - Allows server admins to set the headquarters of a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.setleader - Allows server admins to set the leader of a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.setrally - Allows server admins to set the rally point of a team
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.teleallhq - Allows server admins to teleport everyone to their headquarters
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.tpall - Allows server admins to teleport a team to current location
  • xteam.core.serveradmin.* - All server admin commands
  • xteam.core.* - All core commands


Contains data that the plugin uses universally - feel free to change the values to suit your needs. Also contains the permission nodes for the plugin. Use these inside whatever permissions plugin you desire to enable or disable commands for certain people or groups.

NOTE: As this project is still in Beta stage, I will be adding/changing features until I'm satisfied with the basic functionality of the plugin. For updating to a newer version of the plugin, check to see whether there are any configuration file changes. If so, you will want to reload the configuration file or add the new options yourself.


Many of the frequently asked questions about the plugin.

Source Code Repository

Feel free to download the current source code at https://github.com/protocos/xTeam/


Video explaining the commands


I work on this project in my spare time and I will always have a love for Minecraft no matter what, but it certainly does make me smile when people feel like contributing. Donating to the project helps encourage me to continue providing support and feedback to all of you awesome peoples! If you feel like helping out, there's a link at the top right of the page. ;)

Bug Reports

Please leave any questions, comments, concerns, and potential bugs in the comments. I will try to squash them when I can. Having said that, I am a real human being, so if the bug is not fixed right away, please be patient.