Added commands
/ yt <startlive, konieclive, nagrywaniestart, nagrywanie koniec> <Possible end of '-s' or '-syt' are SILENT and SILENT-YT>
<yt> <Subtype Number> <Name of Channel>
ytest yt
/ Yt-on
/ Yt-off
/ ytsetprefix <prefix>
Added Permissions
- - Possibility of Setting Prefix.
- - Access to the youtuber commands (/ yt call - not on!).
- - The ability to drag and drop the plugin.
Plugin History:
This plugin is based on thoughts for Youtubers. Because Youtubers will advertise on the server and this plugin will add it in the future will be added the possibility to change the nickname in the game (ie such an anti-focus system).
Description of commands.
Command / yt - adds full capabilities, eg, information on the server that the player is recording / streams. And as someone who does not use this command, eg / yt recording start -s or / yt livestart -s
Commands / yt-on - Plugin plugin - Added in Alpha 1.5
/ yt-off - Extract plugin - Added in Alpha 1.5
Command / ytsetprefix - Sets the ad prefix / recording information.
Age: 11
Birthday: February 15th
Hobbies: Programming
Nickname: TechModer (Old .Ganster599) .rst project! "