Arbitrary Position Teleportation Datapack

Arbitrary Position Teleportation Datapack


Due to changes in 1.14.1/1.14.2 my scoreboard based teleportation system stopped working. This was my solution for a replacement.

This datapack teleports players to a specific location based on scoreboard input and it's exact to the 3rd decimal place.
Example of stored coordinates: 12.345 -> 12345

This pack was made for use by other datapacks, on it's own it can only store one location. Due to this fact it's not the most user friendly, to combat this I've added example functions.

You may use this pack and/or the contents of this pack in any way you need. However please provide some sort of credit, this took about three days of hard work to get right.

If you have questions, concerns, or have found a bug let me know.