Aspects of Bloodmagic

Aspects of Bloodmagic


Ever went to scan something for Thaumcraft research points, only to find that that mod doesn't support Thaumcraft aspects? Thaumcraft has an incredible ability to get aspects through the crafting recipes, and does a fantastic job with what its limitations are. However there are new types of crafting that mods introduce,  such as blood magic and its imbuing and orb crafting mechanics causing a disconnect with Thaumcraft.

I have dug through, calculated out, and painstakingly attacked every item and block available outside of creative mode available from blood magic and individually imbued each one with the aspects of Thaumcraft magic ensuring a beautiful symbiosis of these two magic mods.


This script requires Thaumcraft 4, Blood Magic, MineTweaker3, and ModTweaker installed on the client or server in order to work.

Download the AspectsofBloodmagic.zs file and place it in the scripts directory in your minecraft or instance folder. If the scripts folder does not exist, create it.


You are free to use this script file in any modpack. No permission is required, though credit is appreciated.

Comments and Suggestions:

Please feel free to comment down below with any suggestions, comments, or concerns that you may have. issues should be reported to the Issue Tracker.