Awesome Lucky Block Mod

Awesome Lucky Block Mod


The Awesome Lucky Block is Super Awesome with 8 new wells and TONS OF COOL DROPS! a few drops won't work . Luckily, I will update it to make stuff work. also it might not work because you don't have a mod or addon for the drop. Have fun! (P.S. This is a lucky block addon)

Thanks to TheMinecraftPro for Showcasing the Awesome Lucky Block!!!

Dont forget to check the Licence ---------->


1  1  1 | 2 2 2 | 7 7 7

1  0  1 | 2 5 2 | 1 3 1

1  1  1 | 2 2 2 | 9 3 9

Crafting KEY:

1=LuckyBlock  0=DiamondPickaxe

2=GoldIngot   5=LuckyBlockCreeper

7=Diamond  3=Stick   9=GoldBlock

(Go to to see crafting recipe images!)

 Youtube Channel Link --->


Lucky Block Mod

Loot + +

Spiral Lucky Block

Emerald Lucky Block

Delta Lucky Block

Lucky Block Creeper

Iron Backpacks

Mr. Crayfishes Furniture Mod

Animal Bikes

Paintball Mod

Subscribing to this YT Channel:



0.1.0 - The Curse Update =  *Put Awesome Lucky Block on CurseForge


0.1.1 - The Well Update =    *Fixed Wells


0.1.2 - The Lucky Update =  *Fixed the Lucky Sword Drop

                                              *Fixed the Barrier Drop

                                              *added 2 new Drops


1.0.0 - The Awesome Update = *Added More Drops

                                                   *Now Uses Loot++


1.0.1 - The Glitter Update =      *Adds a tons of new drops

                                                    *New Texture

                                                    *Removed a couple drops

                                                    *Fixed The Lucky Sword Again

                                                    * Thanks TheMinecraftPro for Reviewing my Mod!


1.1.0 - The Mod Update =         * Added new Modded Drops

                                                   * Updated Some Drops

                                                   * SITH LORD

                                                   * Thanks TheMinecraftPro for Reviewing my Mod!

                                                    * New Crafting Recipes for the Awesome Lucky Block (ALB)


1.1.1 - The Superdrop Update =  *Added tons of new drops (some made by SuperFurnace)

                                                       *Added a new Crafting Recipe

                                                       *Removed Some Drops including the Lollipop Drop

                                                       *Fixed Some Things

                                                       *YOUTUBER SWORDS


1.1.2 - The Super OP Update =   *Added New Bobs

                                                     *Added New OP Lucky Swords

                                                     *GETTING SICK!?!?!

                                                     *Fixed Some Stuff


1.1.3 - The Update that Should have Been Realeased a Long Time Ago=

                                            * New Luck Crafting Recipies

                                            * Made Drops better using CUSTOM ENCHANTS