Balanced Unobtanium

Balanced Unobtanium


A CraftTweaker script adding recipes for "treasure" items, with costs roughly balanced against vanilla.

Nuggets, ingots, blocks and slabs are oredict, any wool is usable in place of white, and any enchanted book will do.

I know there are a lot of mods that do this, but I wanted a recipe set that reflects the items' rarity and value.

  • Chain Armour
    Chain HelmetChainmail Chestplate
    Chainmail LeggingsChainmail Boots
    Before 1.11.1, vanilla doesn't have iron nuggets, so you'll need a mod that adds them to the ore dictionary, or you'll need to insert something like the following above the chainmail recipes in the script (assuming you want them to work, anyway);
  • Saddle

  • Horse Armour
    Iron Horse ArmourGold Horse Armour
    Diamond Horse Armour

  • Nametag

  • Notch Apple (shapeless recipe)
    Notch Apple


First, install CraftTweaker and start and exit Minecraft once (if you haven't already done all that), then download BalancedUnobtanium.zs and drop it in the "scripts" folder inside your Minecraft folder.