Caloumi's Floating Islands Datapack

Caloumi's Floating Islands Datapack


Caloumi's Floating Island datapack brings back floating islands to Minecraft 1.18!

Key Features

  • Floating islands generation with all land vanilla biomes generating.



1. When creating a new world, click on Data Packs and drag and drop Caloumi's Floating Islands Datapack .zip file into minecraft, and move the file from available to selected.

2. Feel free to input your own seed and if you would like to generate structures. Note: the way minecraft generates structures, you will get some floating out in the void at y = 0. This means treasure rooms, villagers, etc. won't generate with those particular ones, but you can find normal ones on the islands themselves.

3. Create your new world and ignore the warning about Experimental settings

4. Enjoy!


1. Why does it warn me about experimental settings? Because we want to generate all biomes, we have to alter the floating_islands preset. This also allows us not to have really deep islands and improve performance. (If you want to try this out, drop me a message on YouTube or Instagram).

2. I get a strange screen when opening my world from the main menu. What gives? This is related to the experimental settings I mention above. You can create a backup if you want (which is always a good idea incase of corruption), or yu can proceed without. The worlds shouldn't break, but I would be careful about upgrading the world with new snapshots/releases!

3. Whats up with the Ocean Monuments? Ocean monuments as part of their structure generate in water, so when they appear above the sea level the water comes too! Can't make a guardian farm without doing some draining!