Chizzle Z-tizzle

Chizzle Z-tizzle


This script adds chisel groups for all of the Ztones blocks, allowing you to chisel everything in the mod from the base block.

Basically, what ChiselTones does, but in script form, with a few minor differences and enhancements.

This script will:

* Remove all traditional Ztones recipes completely

* Add a new recipe for the base Ztone tile which makes more sense in the context of how ztones will behave with this script.

* Add a base group that contains all ztones subcategories, craftable from the base ztones tile.

Chisel 2.9.1+

Minetweaker 3.0.10B+

Modtweaker 0.9.3+

Ztones 2.2.1+

You can use this script for whatever, just give me some dank street cred, and don't use it to hustle people.

*logo by Yulife