Craftable Tinkers Construct Green Hearts and Necrotic Bones

Craftable Tinkers Construct Green Hearts and Necrotic Bones


This customization is for Tinkers Construct mod.

Also this customization needs Mine Tweaker 3 to run.

How to install customization:

1. Install Mine Tweaker 3 and in the instance folder of your modpack create a folder named "scripts";

2. Download the customization and put the file in the folder;

3. Run the game and enjoy :)

Recipe for Green Heart:

Recipe for Green Heart Canister can be craft using Resonant Ender from Thermal Expansion and if you don't have this mod installed you can use a block of diamond instead of Resonant Ender.

Pay attention to Special Mobs mod because this mod override vanilla Wither Skeleton and you can not get Necrotic Bones, so I added this recipe: