Enchantment books are made by throwing the items listed below on top of an enchantment table with a book and quill.
Click the "spoiler" below to see all enchantment book recipes.
| 1 Enchanted golden apple + Book and quill = Protection 4 |
|8 Scute + Book and quill = Aqua Affinity |
|64 Blaze rods + Book and quill = Fire Protection 4 |
|64 feathers + Book and quill = Feather falling 4 |
|16 Obsidian + Book and quill = Blast Protection 4 |
|1 shield + Book and quill = rojectile Protection 4 |
|1 Turtle helmet + Book and quill = Respiration 3 |
|64 Rose bushes + Book and quill = Throns 3 |
|64 Lily pads + Book and quill = Depth Strider 3 |
|16 Blue ice + Book and quill = Frost Walker 2 |
|1 diamond sword + Book and quill = sharpness 4 |
|64 Bone block + Book and quill = Smite 5 |
|64 Fermented spider eyes + Book and quill = Bane Of Arthropods 5 |
|64 pistons + Book and quill = Knockback 2 |
|64 Fire Charge + Book and quill = fire aspect 2 |
|3 wither skeleton skulls + Book and quill = looting 3 |
|1 iron sword + Book and quill = sweeping edge 3 |
|64 redstone block + Book and quill = Efficiency 5 |
|16 Eye of Ender + Book and quill = Silk Touch |
|1 anvil + Book and quill = Unbreaking 3 |
|32 lapis block + Book and quill = Fortune 3 |
|1 bow + Book and quill = power 4 |
|16 Sticky piston + Book and quill = punch 2 |
|16 Magma Block + Book and quill = flame |
|4 end crystals + Book and quill = Infinity |
|3 heart of the seas + Book and quill = Luck of the sea 3 |
|32 pufferfish + Book and quill = Lure 3 |
|1 fishing rod + Book and quill = Loyalty 3 |
|64 prismarine crystals + Book and quill = Impaling 5 |
|64 slime block + Book and quill = Riptide 3 |
|16 Dragon breath + Book and quill = Channeling |
|1 Nether star + Book and quill = Mending |
|tnt + Book and quill = Curse of vanishing |
|32 slime ball + Book and quill = Curse of Binding |