Honey-Tools! a Vanilla Datapack

Honey-Tools! a Vanilla Datapack


Hello everyone!! 

To celebrate Asphodel Meadows reaching 10,000+ Downloads, I wanted to give you all something fun and different to play with! 

as of the new 19w34a snapshot we have been given BEES! Bees are an awesome addition to the game with their Bee-nests and Bee-hives but with no functionality yet this is what I've envisioned for some of the item uses. 


Now there is a new way to put those honeycombs to use! with a set of new weapons, tools and armor! 

This data pack adds: 
- Honey Sword
- Honey Axe
- Honey Shovel
- Honey Pickaxe
- Honey Hoe
- Honey Arrows

- Honey Helmet
- Honey Wings
- Honey Leggings
- Honey Boots 

as well as a new "Sticky" Enchantment providing different abilities to different items. 

All Items can be crafted through the normal Crafting Table.

Hope you all have fun! have a Buzzing good time!