"More Mobs"

"More Mobs"



The hostile underground

The hostile underground

Y=59 and below now contains new enemies - the Miner and the Cavecreep.
Cyclops in a Roofed Forest

Cyclops in a Roofed Forest

Cyclops is a new neutral mob that spawns in all biomes where you can meet most passive mobs.
The rare ones

The rare ones

The Martyr and Wither Skeleton Horse are very hard to find.
The main End island

The main End island

If you thought Ender Sentinels were bad enough, Ender Phantoms will begin to spawn once you've defeated the Dragon.
Outer End islands

Outer End islands

The End Barrens now contain new hostile and neutral mobs for you to farm.


Demons replace Skeletons in the Nether. This new powerful foe will give you a run for your money.
The Nether wildlife

The Nether wildlife

Aside from peaceful Scoopers the Nether is now filled with new dangerous mobs, such as the Nether Spider.
An Illusioner riding a Ravager

An Illusioner riding a Ravager

Illusioners, aside from appearing in Pillager outposts, join raids now. Sometimes riding Ravagers.