One Log = Two Planks [Extra Mod Support]

One Log = Two Planks [Extra Mod Support]


  1 Log = 2 Planks script

I know that most of the modpack creators created this script in minetweaker. I am sure they spent like 5-10 mins or even if they did it in like 3 mins they probably didn't add all the plank supports that were in their modpack, but I took the time to make my whole modpack mods for example

Redwood from ExtrabiomesXL or even Ars Magica 2's Witchwood gave 2 planks instead of 4. 

*This is time saver for lot of modpack creators that use Minetweaker/Modtweaker.

**It also is an Open Source so you can edit it and upload it by yourself BUT you have to add some more interactions with mods.

***Mod supports right now: MFR, HarvestCraft, Twilight Forest, ExtraBiomesXL, BiomesOPlenty, Natura, Witchery, Ars Magica 2, Magnanimous Tools and Maricultureyourself 

****You can tell me which support should I add for what mod and if you made script yourself I will be happy to put it in this project with your Username so people know you created this