This Project is made to add the structures from Matter Overdrive: Legazy Edition through Recurrent Complex.
The structures are rebuilded from Scratch, a bit improved and also recived some loot for the chestes.
- Android House
- Cargo Ship
- Crashed Airship
- Sand Pit
- Underwater Base
How to install:
- First of all Recurrent Complex have to be installed.
- Then go to structures\active and drop the Zip file into it.
- Unzip the Zip File and restart your game or enter /#reload.
- Yes the loot should be generated inside tritanium chests BUT recurrent Complex cant generat loot inside them so the structures using vanilla chests.
- If you are searching for some fixes (plasma shield, cloak shield) look at this: MO-Fixes
- Feel free to use it in your modpack!
- Feel free to comment and let me know what you want to get fixed/improved!
- Credits for the head image and textures go to the HRZNStudio