Matter Overdrive Structures

Matter Overdrive Structures


This Project is made to add the structures from Matter Overdrive: Legazy Edition through Recurrent Complex.

The structures are rebuilded from Scratch, a bit improved and also recived some loot for the chestes.

  • Android House
  • Cargo Ship
  • Crashed Airship
  • Sand Pit
  • Underwater Base

How to install:

  1. First of all Recurrent Complex have to be installed.
  2. Then go to structures\active and drop the Zip file into it.
  3. Unzip the Zip File and restart your game or enter /#reload.


  • Yes the loot should be generated inside tritanium chests BUT recurrent Complex cant generat loot inside them so the structures using vanilla chests.
  • If you are searching for some fixes (plasma shield, cloak shield) look at this: MO-Fixes
  • Feel free to use it in your modpack!
  • Feel free to comment and let me know what you want to get fixed/improved!
  • Credits for the head image and textures go to the HRZNStudio