Max's Heroes Addonpack

Max's Heroes Addonpack



-Speedster Heroes mod:
-Heroes Expansion mod:
-Lucraft Core mod:

It requires my special ressourcepack too which includes 3D models such as Cicada's Dagger ! Believe me, it helly fits this addonpack, I've made it specifically for this update, so go download it now !!

Hey everyone !!!!

I'm very excited to introduce you my addon for the awesome Speedster Heroes & Heroes Expansion mods. So, you kinda feel that suits are missing to both of this mods, don't you ? Well, then this pack is definitely for you !

Right now, this pack contains 67 suits & 11 new superpowers:


-Firestorm Matrix (Firestorm)
-Bluestorm Energy (Bluestorm)
-Symbiote (Venom)
-Radioactive Spider Venom (Spider-Man)
-Ancient Myth Spirit (Herobrine)
-Dark Matter (If you take it you die)
-Dark Matter Manipulation Powers (Cicada)
-Transdimensionnal Powers (Vibe)
-Ice Powers (Killer Frost)
-Negative Speedforce

It adds 25 new speedster suits, such as:

-The Flash Reborn (S4 suit)
-The Flash Reborn (Damaged)
-Jay Garrick (Hunter Zolomon, CW)
-Jay Garrick (The real, CW)
-The Flash (S5 suit)
-XS (CW)
-Golden Flash (Custom)
-Symbiote Flash (Custom)
-Demon Speed (Custom)
-Godspeed (CW)
-Godspeed (Comics)
-Wally West Rebirth (Comics)
-Accelerated Man (CW)
-Jessie Quick (CW)
-Rival (CW)
-Red Death (Comics)
-Golden Life (Comics (Barry Allen in Red Death's suit)
-Blitzkrieg (CW cartoon)
-The Flash (90's series/Elseworlds)
-Darkspeed (Custom)
-Lightspeed (Custom)
-The Flash (DCEU)
-Future Flash (Comics)
-Chroma Savitar (Meme)
-Ultimate Flash (Custom)

It adds 25 new heroes suits, such as:

-Batman (DCEU)
-Supergirl (CW)
-Venom (Sony)
-Arrow (Season 3)
-Batman (DCEU, Alt)
-Cicada (CW)
-Firestorm (CW)
-Cyborg (DCEU)
-Ant-Man (Civil War)
-Iron Man (MCU)
-Vibe (CW)
-Killer Frost (CW)
-Deadpool (Movie)
-Spider-Man (Infinity War)
-Spider-Man (Homecoming)
-John Constantine (CW)
-Shazam (Movie)
-Bluestorm (Custom)
-Atom (CW)
-Vision (MCU)
-Captain America (Infinity War)
-Symbiote Spider-Man (Custom)
-Black Spider-Man (Spider-Man 3)
-Venom (Spider-Man 3)
-Loki (MCU)

 It adds 15 new SSB suits, such as:

-Captain Falcon
-Donkey Kong
-Mega Man
-Shadow Mewtwo

 It adds Super Secret suits, such as:

-Beebo the blue god (Legends of Tomorrow)
-The Perfect Bidoof. (aka Peanut Butter) (Pokemon Rusty Version, search it up on youtube it's damn funny)

All the custom suits have been imaginated and then created by myself ;)

Hope you will like it !

Of course reviews, article for local country, etc... about this addon is definitely allowed ! ;) 
(I mean seriously why would people forbide it if it promotes your stuff ?)

Though, If you intend to make an article about this mod, please use this page's link as the download link !

I also have a Discord server for my addonpack, click here to get to it !

How do I install it ?

Once you've installed (and launched) Speedster Heroes & Heroes Expansion mods, there should be a new folder called "addonpacks". Simply drag the ZIP file of my addonpack you've downloaded, and then, enjoy !


-Lucraft: Many thanks to him for creating the Speedster Heroes & Heroes Expansion mod and to have helped master the json files so that I could make this addon ! ^^

-Brym: He helped me a lot with crafting powers and gave me ideas and motivated me to make all superpowers crafts ^^

Many thanks to the following people as well for using their skins that makes my pack having great textures quality content:

-Kill3rCreeper: Spider-Man (Homecoming) ; Atom ; Iron Man ; Samus ; Mega Man

-Drazile: Ryu, Fox, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Pikachu

-Neon: Waluigi