


MetallurgyTweaks HAS NOT been updated for Metallurgy 1.2.0
i'm currently working on it.

This is MetallurgyTweaks

a .zip file filled with scripts for use with CraftTweaker & ModTweaker to give some QoL improvements, and extra mod support to Metallurgy4Reforged.

The story

This mod originally began while developing a personal modpack to use with some friends, once i installed Metallurgy, I started to receive some complaints coming from one of my friends who's a builder. He loved the looks that certain metal blocks had, but he found it slightly annoying that he had to use specific crafting recipes, alongside the fact once you crafted the decorative blocks there was no way to retrieve the metals back.

That's when i got the brilliant idea to use Chisel, alongside CraftTweaker & ModTweaker to ease the creation of variations of the metal blocks!

Afterwards, as i got more familiarized with CraftTweaker's ZenScript, i started adding more functionality, and balancing to the mod, such as proper ProjectE EMC Values, Thermal expansion support, Tinker's Construct additions, and more!

 This mod's purpose is to generally include some quality of life improvements to the mod Metallurgy using CraftTweaker, ModTweaker is optional, but it is needed to access the biggest feature of this mod, which is the Chisel integration. 

The mod itself however changes a bit how metallurgy's metal blocks are created. for more information, please refer to the spoiler bellow.

 Originally, to craft one of the metal blocks in metallurgy, the mod used the standard of putting 9 ingots in a 3x3 grid, however, to make the blocks more accesible from both a compression and a decoration standpoint, the recipe has been changed into 4 ingots in a 2x2 grid.

 Getting the decoration blocks.

you can access Metallurgy's decoration blocks thru the Crafting Table, by putting 2 blocks anywhere, the recipe is shapeless.

Afterwards, you can use any of the metal blocks (doesn't matter if it's decoration or not) to get back your ingots.

Getting the Vanilla Decoration Blocks

The text above to create the decoration blocks do not apply with Gold and Iron, this is because the 2x2 recipe conflicts with the iron trapdoor.

Instead, to create the Engraved variant of the block, you need to use this recipe.

Afterwards, the method to create the other variants (Bricks, small bricks, hazard, etc) is the same as the method listed above. putting any of the decoration blocks alone in a crafting table will still yield only 4 ingots

A word of advice.
If you have ProjectE installed, there will be a Mismatch of EMC values between ingots and blocks.

Sadly, CraftTweaker/ModTweaker dont have a direct method of replacing said EMC Values, however, with your .rar file download, inside you can find a configuration file that fixes the inconsistencies between the EMC Values.

More information can be found in the Download & Installing section

 If you decide to install ModTweaker, You'll be able to access the Chisel integration, alongside the extra tweaks for Thermal Expansion & Tinkers Construct!

below there are spoilers detailing each Integration for the mods listed!

 If you have chisel installed, you can use the Chisel tool from the mod to Cycle between metal blocks!

the option to create the decoration blocks via the crafting table will be removed in exchange of using Chisel.

Thermal Expansion.

With Thermal Expansion installed, a good chunk of metallurgy's blocks & items will be able to be processed by Thermal Expansion's Machines. Below you can see more details of the changes.

New Dynamo Fuels.

You can now use the following Metallurgy Items inside Thermal Expansion Dynamos! Below you can find a list of fuels and how much RF produce.

Tar = 8000 RF per Item.

Thermite Dust = 24000 RF per Item

Bitumen = 32000 RF per Item.

Molten Thermite = 295440 RF per Bucket

(also, you can now use Thermal Expansion's Bitumen to create roads. but more exciting, you can use Metallurgy's Bitumen to create Crude oil and refine it later!)

New Factorizer Recipes.

You can now use the Factorizer to Combine four ingots into one block, and Split one block into four ingots!

Magma Crucible.

You can now use the Magma Crucible to process Metallurgy's nuggets, blocks, ingots & ores to smelt them into their liquid form, and yes, you can use a florb to throw them.

You can also use Tar to melt it into Crude oil and aterwards Refine is on the Fractionating Still.


You can now pulverize Potash to create Potash fertilizer!

Induction Smelter.

You can now use the Induction Smelter to salvage unwanted armors, weapons & tools!

Centrifugal Separator

You can now use the Centrifugal Separator to Separate alloy dusts into their basic components!

Optional Tweaks

Starting with version 1.1.0 and above, inside the script folder you can find a special file called "metallurgyTweaksConfig.zs", you can open this file with notepad and change the settings to activate the following Tweaks. more information on how the config file works can be found in it's own section.

Always Metallurgy Armors, tools & weapons

If you prefer Metallurgy's beautifully crafted textures for their Armors, tools and weapons, but when you attempt to craft them you get Thermal's Version. you can remove their crafting recipes with the config file! say goodbye to Thermal's versions and embrace Metallurgy!

(more optional tweaks may come in the future...)

 Tinkers' Construct

 You can now use any form of metal block inside the smeltry, smelt it and reuse it to create tools or armor! (time to smelt may change in the future.)

You can also create Metallurgy's metal blocks via Casting, however, to maximize compatibility, you need to create them via the Casting Table.


There's a slight inconsistency regarding Mekanism, normally you can use the enrichment chamber to transform ore into 2 pieces of dust, however, this is not possible with lutetium, this script fixes that problem.

 If you decide to play with this mod and inconsistencies arise with other mods, be sure to let me know in the comments below! who knows, i might make a compatibility patch for that mod too :) (as long as I'm able to do so, unless, i'll add it to a separate list of mods that are unable to be patched.)

 metallurgyTweaksConfig.zs - Optional tweaks YOU can choose!

Starting with 1.1.0 and above, when you install MetallurgyTweaks, you'll find a file called "metallurgyTweaksConfig.zs" in the scripts folder.

This script allows you to activate or deactivate optional tweaks, it is up to the user to modify these. remember that the values can only be "true" or "false". anything else will break the script, and possibly the mod. If you dont know what a variable option does, you can check the box above it to learn what it does when it's either true, or false.
There are 2 types of variables.

<span style="font-size: 14px;">static activateThermalOptionalScripts as bool = true;</span>

 Activate type variables are like "Master options" for other variables, for example, if "activateThermalOptionalScripts" is set to false, then NONE of the optional tweaks for Thermal expansion will be loaded. usually in their description you can find which variable these govern over, for example, "activateThermalOptionalScripts" govern over any other variable that starts with "thermal"


<span style="font-size: 14px;">static thermalRemoveConflictingThermalArmorToolRecipes as bool = true;</span>

these types of variables are usually sub-variables of Activate type variables. for example, "thermalRemoveConflictingThermalArmorToolRecipes " when set to true will remove conflicting crafting recipes for thermal's armors, tools and weapons. so that the player can only craft Metallurgy's types.

remember that if it's Master variable is set to false, this variable will NOT be read.

The Installation of this mod might be a bit trickier to some, so please, make sure to read the spoiler below to learn how to install MetallurgyTweaks!

Download & Installation

Obligatory Mods - You need these mods Installed to make the scripts work, if you don't have them, MetallurgyTweaks will not be installed. You can click on their names to go to their pages.

Metallurgy - Version 1.1.2 or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

CraftTweaker - Version or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

Optional Mods - You may want to install this mod if you intend to play the mods mentioned in this page. if you don't have it, MetallurgyTweaks will be installed, but you won't have access to the mod integrations.

ModTweaker - Version 4.0.18 or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

Other Mods - these are just links to the mods that this mod supports, feel free to check them out! remember that if you don't have ModTweaker installed, the mod integrations of MetallurgyTweaks won't be accesible.

Chisel - Recommended Version: or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

ProjectE - Recommended Version: PE1.4.1 or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

Thermal Expansion - Recommended Version: or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.

Tinkers' Construct - Recommended Version: or above for Minecraft 1.12.2.
Mekanism - Reccomended Version: or above for Minecraft 1.12.2 - (Does not require modtweaker to function.)
Installation Process

1.- Install the mods mentioned in "Obligatory Mods".

2.- (optional) Install ModTweaker, it's link can be found in "Optional Mods".

3.- (Optional) Install any of the mods inside "Other Mods".

4.- Download MetallurgyTweaks

5.- Open MetallurgyTweaks x.x.x ver x.x.x

6.- go to your .minecraft folder, and move the folders "scripts" & "config" into it. If you have ProjectE Installed, your OS will ask for permission to override 1 file, override it, it's the custom EMC values.

8.- Boot up Minecraft and enjoy the mod!

Note: if any problems arise, you can check out the file "crafttweaker.log" inside your .minecraft folder. The mod is made specifically to log the actions it makes, alongside any possible problems that may arise.

Modpack Permissions

You can use my scripts on your modpack, be sure to credit me!

If you want to contact me to ask any other permission question, you can find me hanging on CraftTweaker's Discord Server (BlameJared) and on Metallurgy's Discord Server (Davoleo's Base)

 Special Thanks.

Microsoft & Mojang, for creating Minecraft.

Jaredlll08 & their team, for creating CraftTweaker & ModTweaker.

Davoleo_K & their team, for creating Metallurgy 4: Reforged (and letting me use their logo as a base for mine.)

tterrag1098 & their team, for creating Chisel.

mDiyo & their team, for creating Tinkers' Construct.

TeamCOFH, for creating Thermal Expansion.

SinKillerJ, for creating ProjectE
My friend SomewhatNihilist, whom helped me in the beginning to learn ZenScript.

Everyone at the BlameJared Discord server for helping me by answering my questions.