Moar Fuels

Moar Fuels


This is a set of CraftTweaker and ContentTweaker scripts (and associated textures) to add at a whole bunch of additional isotopes and reactor fuels to NuclearCraft: Overhauled.

Current Features:
More Fuels & Isotopes (for use in SFR, PBR, & MSR reactors)

More Enrichment levels for virtually every fuel
Extra compatibility with QMD to add even More Fuels & Isotopes

Extra compatibility with Trinity to add still More Fuels

Compatability with Moar Realistic Radiation

More Realistic RTGs (using the decay generator)

This spreadsheet contains the information for all of the added fuels.

Dependencies: CraftTweaker, ContentTweaker, NuclearCraft: Overhauled, and any dependencies those mods might have. QMD and Trinity are optional dependencies that will further increase the number of fuels and isotopes added. While JEI is not required, it is highly recommended, as it will show all the recipes and functionality of this add-on, which I will not bother to document here.

Installation Instructions:

To install MoarFuels, follow these steps:

1. Move this entire folder to your Minecraft folder at resources/nuclearcraft/addons. If this directory does not currently exist, you will have have to make it yourself. When you're done, it should look as follows: the folder named addons contains the folder MoarFuels, which itself contains several subfolders.

2. Voila. You're done.

Planned Features:

Integration with Moar Reactor Functionality for the TRISO pebbles

For similar stuff:

Moar Heat Sinks by QuantumTraverse (adds more heat sinks for use in the fission reactor)
Moar Reactor Functionality by QuantumTraverse (improves usability of the fission reactors)
Moar Realistic Radiation by QuantumTraverse (provides more realistic radiation values for various blocks and items)
Moar Realistic Enrichment by QuantumTraverse (makes the uranium enrichment process more realistic)
NuclearCraft: Overhauled Unrealistic Turbine Overhaul by Thalzamar (adds more rotors and dynamo coils)
Nuclear Oil Refining by Thalzamar (adds an in-depth oil refining process to extract extra energy)
NuclearCraft Extra Ingot Blocks by FishingPole (adds blocks for the various NuclearCraft ingots)

Credits: Thanks so much to Tom Dodd for making NuclearCraft (and NuclearCraft: Overhauled) and adding all of the base functions upon which this add-on is built. Some ideas for fuels for this add-on were supplied by Pu-238 (check out his add-on mod for NuclearCraft while you're add it).