Paint's Daygon Challenge

Paint's Daygon Challenge


This simple datapack gives you (and your teammates if you have them) the challenge of fighting the Ender Dragon after having just prepared for one Minecraft day.

Instructions to use:

1. Create a new world and enable cheats.

2. Download the datapack and put it into your world's datapacks folder. Do not zip it.

3. Go into your game and do /reload in the chat.

4. A message will prompt you to click it, open chat and do so. You'll be placed in a random spot in the world with 20 minutes to prepare for a dragon fight. Go!

Other things:

1. A clock will appear as a bossbar and keep track of time for you.

2. If you die, you will respawn as a spectator. If everyone dies, then you have failed. If you didn't make it to The End, you can retry in that world.

3. Using a bed to skip the night will cause you to skip straight to the dragon fight.

Happy hunting!

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