Pink Pixelmon Lucky Block

Pink Pixelmon Lucky Block


Pink Pixelmon Lucky Block is a Lucky add-on that adds Pokémon related drops (2,500+) using the Pixelmon Generations mod. This add-on adds drops ranging from every Pokemon in the game, to mega evolution bosses, to just normal Pixelmon items like potions. This add-on will get updates whenever my other Lucky Block mod, Lucky Block Pink doesn't. So, every other month unless there are huge bugs or massive updates to Pixelmon Generations. Thank you and have fun!

Mods Required:

The Lucky Block Mod [for 1.10.2] by, PlayerInDistress

Pixelmon Generations by, Mykeware and the other Pixelmon Devs.

The Pink Pixelmon Lucky Block is crafted with 8 love balls surrounding a regular Lucky Block in the middle.

The idea of a Pixelmon Lucky Block is not original, however I did expand the possibilities after seeing the original Pixelmon Lucky Block, by Aceaight, As a disclaimer, I wrote everything in the Pink Pixelmon Lucky Block drops.txt  (which took ~30 hours over the course of 5 days.)