Shard: Crystal Dimension by Baroque Obama

Shard: Crystal Dimension by Baroque Obama


Ever wonder what the home-planet of a silicon-based lifeform might look like? Now you can find out whenever you like, just by walking through a portal!

This pack adds an extra new dimension to Minecraft with its own blocks and behaviour, while attempting to modify as little else as possible. It introduces a new world made from various types of crystal - featuring (crystallized) Glass oceans, blocks and 'vegetation' that sparkle (some also pulsate!), and of course another portal.

To access Shard, simply construct a standard-sized portal frame from Diamond Blocks and dump a bucket of water into the frame. Of course, you can also use the trusty
/execute in custom:shard run tp ~ ~ ~
but I'd recommend
/execute in custom:shard run tp ~ ~14 ~
because sea-level is 14 blocks higher in Shard then in the overworld. This is already accounted for during portal travel.

Aside from adding this new dimension and portal, below is the relatively small list of changes made to vanilla. The vast majority of worlds should be able to work nicely and with no overlap with Shard.

Cosmetic changes:
-The Nether Bricks item model has been hijacked to make the portal texture

Functional changes:
-All 'Warped' blocks have been hijacked to service my needs in Shard
-The Nether dimension no longer contains Warped Forest biomes
-'Warped' blocks can no longer naturally generate in Crimson Forest biomes

P.S. This is my second datapack ever, but I'll still do my best to fix any bugs anyone finds. That being said, thorough testing has thus far not uncovered any :). Enjoy!

And don't forget to download the resource pack!