Spectator Mode for Survival [DATA PACK]

Spectator Mode for Survival [DATA PACK]


=== Showcase ===

=== About the data pack ===

A survival game data pack that adds the ability for players to go into Spectator Mode. The limited range is a circular radius of 100 blocks from the position the command was executed at.

If your server has View Distance lower than the default (10 chunks) the data pack must – most likely – be adapted. Let me know if this is the case for someone and I'll create a second version with something like 64 blocks range.

=== Features ===

  • Default range of 100 blocks;
  • Range indicator so that you know how how much you can go further;
  • Keeps player rotation when turning Spectator Off: you can use this to know which direction you were looking at;
  • Leaves behind an Armor Stand with the player's head equipped so that nearby players can see who the owner of that Armor Stand is.

=== Commands ===

  • "/trigger sms_on" puts the executing player into Spectator mode;
  • "/trigger sms_off" returns to survival.

=== Planned updates ===

  • Disable player ability to go into Spectator if damaged in the last 5 seconds;
  • Disable player ability to go into Spectator if moving.

=== Social Links ===

YouTube - ScorchedPsyche
Downloads - CurseForge
Support for Data Packs - CraftEra
Reddit - CraftEra