Summer Lucky Block

Summer Lucky Block


What better way to enjoy summer with

the brand new Summer Lucky Block 

for Minecraft 1.16+ (Forge/Fabric)?

The Summer Lucky Block features 150+ drops and will naturally

spawn in your overworld. Make sure to have enough

sun cream before opening them.

How to install?:

Install the latest version of this lucky block and put it your

".minecraft/addons/lucky" folder, and in Forge to the

".minecraft/resourcepacks" folder so the textures will properly

(the pink/black block texture glitch may occur otherwise)

No additional mods required other than the lucky block mod.


What to expect from Summer Lucky Block?

- Lots of cold drinks with goods and side effects.

- Get lucky weapons such as the Twister, Water Gun and the Water Bomb.

- Find sand castles with lots of lucky blocks inside.

- Enjoy the oceans or get yourself a sunbrella/tent.

- Find some rare treasure chests with golds and diamonds inside.

- Lots of sun flowers

- Listen to your favorite summer music disc.

- If you are unlucky, get raided or exploded.

- and much more...

See more spoilers under 'Images/Screenshots'.


Get ready for your lucky summertime,

with the Summer Lucky Block Addon for 1.16+.

Summer Lucky Block