Timed minigame

Timed minigame



you have to place it in the datapack folder (may have to unzip)

it is suggested to play with a small world border


Each player starts with 600 minutes (10 hours) of available playtime which can be seen in the playerlist by holding tab.

Once time runs out that player is placed into spectator permanently.

Time can be gained by:

  • Drops, drops are random events where time appears for players to collect
  • The blessed player, a random plasyer is blessed who when killed passes on the blessed status to the killer. This will continue until time runs out where the player with the blessed status will gain 5 hours
  • Gifting, players can gift eachother time, for example: '/trigger gift set 500' gives 500 minutes to the nearest player

Technical stuff

There is a timer that ticks up when 3 or more players are online, once it reaches two hours a drop or a blessed player will be chosen.(the clock will tick down when less than 3 players are online)

the drop and blessed player last 5 minutes

This datapack was heavily optimised from the start, you can be certain that the datapack is running during less than 5% of ticks while a drop or blessed player is not active