Top Tier Bundle [Datapack]

Top Tier Bundle [Datapack]


Made for Top Tier SMP 1.17, Season 1.5!

Made to keep the feel of Vanilla 1.17 while adding quality of life improvements.

This Bundle includes Top Tier Recipes and Top Tier Smelting.


(Top Tier Recipes)

-Slabs to Blocks (Ex: 2 Stone Slabs will make a Stone Block in recipe)

-Stairs to Blocks (Ex: 4 Stone Stairs will make 6 Stone Blocks in recipe)

(Top Tier Smelting)
-Raw Metal Blocks can be smelted (blasted) into their metal counterpart for a smelt time of 1080 (200 * 60% = Blast Furnace Default Time * 9 = 1080) ticks. (Blast Furnace Only)


Datapack Dev: 


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