VaniCraft Advancements Pack

VaniCraft Advancements Pack


The VaniCraft Advancements Pack add more advancements for the VaniCraft modpack

The new advancements are related to theses mods included in the modpack :

More advancements are related to vanilla elements too.


This pack add 3 new tabs :

  • Decoration : Linked primarily to Bibliocraft.
  • Engineering : A Redstone Tab with primarily Vanilla elements.
  • Cooking : Replaces the husbandry tab. Linked primarily to HarvestCraft & Cooking for Blockheads.

Quark advancements are scattered in multiple tabs.

All vanilla advancements are obviously inside.

How to use?

  1. Download/Install the VaniCraft modpack.
  2. Download this advancements pack.
  3. Go to saves\[World]\data and put the "advancements" folder inside.
  4. Enjoy !