Pushable Tile Entities

Pushable Tile Entities


This data pack lets you push chests and other tile entities in vanilla Java Minecraft. Due to technical limitations, I cannot use actual pistons to push chests; instead I have to use another block to act as a piston. To craft these "pistons", just throw a piston and chest on top of a crafting table. To craft the sticky variant, just throw a sticky piston and a chest on top of a crafting table.

You can go past the normal 12 block push limit. To do so, just type /scoreboard players set pc.pushLimit pc.blockCount <push limit>

Certain blocks cannot be pushed by piston, like bedrock and obsidian for example. To change what blocks can and can't be pushed by pistons edit the immovable.json file found in data/pushable_chests/tags/blocks.

Some blocks are completely ignored by the piston and will get replaced when blocks are moved, such as air, water, and lava. In the same place as you found the immovable.json file, you can find the passable.json file and edit what blocks are ignored by the piston.