Zora Origin

Zora Origin


Zora Origin

Impact: 2

Description: A race of fish people have found themselves in a strange place made of a kind of cubic matter.


Pyrophobia: You have never liked fire, and you tend to overreact when you are on-fire tending to make you take more damage.

Weak Arms: When not under the effect of a strength potion, you can only mine natural stone if there are at most 2 other natural stone blocks adjacent.

Large Appetite: You exhaust much quicker than others, thus requiring you to eat more.

Vegetarian: You can't digest any meat.


Sink: You are able to toggle being able to walk on the bottom of the seafloor.

I'm Bluah: Due to the Zora race being commonly blue, you are colored a slight tint of blue.

Far from home: Because you were accustomed to being underwater, you find yourself nearby an ocean when you spawn.


Aqua Affinity: You may break blocks underwater as others do on land.

Like water: When underwater, you do not sink to the ground unless you want to.

Wet eyes: Your vision underwater is perfect.

Fins: You have increased speed underwater.

Zora Gills: Because you are a Zora, you are unable to drown and you can still breathe on land.

Sacred Trident: You were gifted this trident by your great ancestors. (Spawn with a loyalty 3 unbreakable trident)