Epic fight and Choup's Drakvyrn compat

Epic fight and Choup's Drakvyrn compat


This is the DATAPACK for making the weapons of Choup's drakvyrn mod be compatible with epic fight.


Epic fight version 20.7.4 required

Weapons of miracle required 

Guandao moveset 20.6.1 required 

To put the datapack in ur server, launch your server, be ingame(join world/server),  minimise Minecraft,  go to your world section in the server, then go to files, then you will see datapack section, click there and after downloading this datapack, upload it under the datapack section of the world. 

If ur ingame when u upload the datapack then, after uploading, open Minecraft and type /reload, wait for couple secs and BOOM, ur set to go. 

If u made new world then after launching the world first time, close it, upload datapack and restart it. BOOM ur ready.

If u have any doubts, questions or need help etc, please join choup's drakvyrn mod discord. Link is on the main mod page Choup's Drakvyrn Mod as well as,

Down here 👇 

Choup's Drakvyrn mod discord link : https://discord.gg/GwckGjV9

This datapack will only be available on curseforge and I won't upload it anywhere else. If you find it anywhere else then it's not mine.

Feel free to put it on your modpack :))