Cobblemon Sol and Luna Addon

Cobblemon Sol and Luna Addon


The goal of this resourcepack/datapack is simple.

It adds three pokemon to cobblemon through a datapack:

Solrock the Meteorite Pokemon

Lunatone the Meteorite Pokemon

Castform the Weather Pokemon

Solrock (DAY) and Lunatone (NIGHT) share the same spawns. With the exception of night and day:

#cobblemon:is_hills uncommonly at a weight of 1

#cobblemon:is_arid uncommonly at a weight of 1

 #minecraft:is_end uncommonly at a weight of 3

Normal Castform: Spawns "#minecraft:is_overworld with  "uncommon= weight of 2"

Rainy Castform: Spawns #cobblemon:beach when raining with  "uncommon= weight of 2"

Snowy Castform: Spawns #cobblemon:is_freezing when snowing with "uncommon= weight of 2"

Sunny Castform: Spawns #cobblemon:arid when sunny with  "uncommon= weight of 2"