Immersive Engineering Ore Doubling + Balance Tweaks (Datapack Version)

This is a simple datapack you can drag and drop into your world/datapacks folder

Just drag and drop the ieDoubling folder into your world/datapacks and add the CraftTweaker scripts!

Returns ore doubling (for both the Crusher & Arc Furnace) for Immersive Engineering 1.19 as per the pre-1.17 levels.

The CraftTweaker scripts are made up out of 5 components, 

You need the CraftTweaker scripts included for disabling the default 133.3% recipes for the grinder and Arc Furnace as well added functionality/tweaks (changed listed at the bottom).

If anyone needs any modded materials added let me know! Thanks

Note: Added experience drops for smelting grit & recipe for converting IE leather since version 2.0

Note: File included to disable Immersive Engineering crates for balance.

If anybody wants mod to be backported from 1.20.1 or ported to future versions of Immersive Engineering just leave a message on the Discord server:


-allows conversion of Erstaz Leather to Regular leather

-smelting Immersive Engineering Grit in a Furnace now gives XP! (as per vanilla values)

-Arc Furnace and Crusher now double ore when processed, as per pre-1.17 values in Immersive Engineering

-crates.zs, this disables the recipe for wooden cares and reinforced crates as these items retain contents when dropped, rendering shulker boxes effectively useless (resembling the functionality of the Crates Felt Blu mod for 1.12.2).

Enjoy and please post any bug reports on the Discord or leave a comment here on the Curseforge page, thanks!