200,932 Mods
Seashell Crushing
9 DownloadsAdds crusher compat between Immersive Engineering and Twigs
CS addon: Hardcore crops
9 DownloadsData pack dedicated to adding crop temps for cold sweat limitations.
Create Tweaks and Compatibility
8 DownloadsCustom personal datapack meant to add some small recipe changes to Create as well as compatability recipes between add-ons
rog loot tables in dc
8 Downloadsadds loottables to make relics of gaming compatible with dungeoncrawl
Finite Water Biomes
6 DownloadsAdds a biome blacklist to LobsterJohn's Finite Water mod
Iron's Spellbooks patch
6 DownloadsJust a few loot table fixes for playing with Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks
Create Deco Stonecutting Industrial Iron Ingot Recipe
5 DownloadsA simple datapack that adds a stonecutting recipe for industrial iron ingots to replace the one for blocks of industrial iron that Create Deco Fabric removes.
Purple And Blue
2 DownloadsThis data pack includes redesigned textures which expand your gameplay and give you a better play experience.
ByteSize CreateCompression Fixes - Data Pack
1 DownloadsA simple data pack that fixes the raw metal compression recipes from the Create Compression mod.