Standard Stock Regular Normal Factory Vanilla Data (for Modders)

Standard Stock Regular Normal Factory Vanilla Data (for Modders)



Processed, version controlled history of Minecraft's generated data and assets. Due to many removals, edits, lock, limitations of Misode's, Slicedlime's, Arcensoth's Mcmeta and SPGoding vanilla-datapack I've decided to make an easily available data of Minecraft latest version for anyone, mostly newby modders who want to learn creating their own data packs, look at the original code and start modifying. Enjoy. 

Repository structure (github)

I've no idea. I'm just trying my best.


This project has taken inspiration from Arcensoth/mcdata and SPGoding/vanilla-datapack and Misode's McMetaSlicedlime's examples repo for worldgen changes before 1.18-pre1


VanillaDataPackExamples is not an official Minecraft product, and is not endorsed by or associated with Mojang Studios. All data and assets were obtained through Mojang's internal data generator and public API. If Mojang ever has something against this data existing here, the repository will be promptly removed.