Cash and Dash

Cash and Dash


Created by Uzaircat on Fiverr. I highly recommend checking him out for all of your Minecraft data pack needs! Great prices and wonderful service!

This data pack comes with 10 different currency items, a villager to compress and expand the currencies, and a resource pack that includes the textures for the money. 

To use, unzip the Cash and folder. Do not unzip the money data pack file or the money resource pack folder. Place either of those in their respective folder for your world/client. If you're on a server, run the /reload command or restart your server before using it, or it won't work. 


Copper coin: 1

Silver coin: 2

Gold coin: 5

10 Bill

20 Bill

50 Bill

100 Bill

500 Bill

1000 Bill

5000 Bill

Uploaded with permission from the author