God origin

God origin


Become a god in Minecraft.

Fly, do tremendous damage, be arrowproof, and more.

This is a datapack for the origins mod for Minecraft 1.17 (you need the origins mod to use this)
Origins mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/origins


Godly Strength - You gain +20 damage for any of your attacks.
Heavenly flight - You can fly in survival and you also don't have to worry about fall damage.

Arrowproof - Arrows cannot hurt you at all, they will only bounce off of you.

Heat resistance - You don't receive any damage from fire/lava.

(The origin is currently in alpha version since I want to know if people would actually like this origin, and if people would like it I will keep on updating it and adding new stuff)